Kevin Smith, founder

Despite having earned a B.A. in Sociology (urban studies focus) from Virginia Union University, and despite early professional success, Kevin’s life deteriorated in early adulthood. He struggled personally, in large part due to the difficulties of a childhood spent in foster care, and was incarcerated as an emerging adult. While in the correctional system, though, he served as an advocate for other residents, often acting as a key resource and preparing them for life outside the walls. Kevin’s efforts to rebuild his own life—and to help others relaunch theirs—highlights the challenges men and women face when returning to their communities following incarceration.

In 2017, Kevin was selected by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA), and its criminal justice partners, as part of CSOSA’s annual Reentry Reflection celebration. And for almost a decade, he has worked as a valued employee of the Council of the District of Columbia in the Legislative Services Division. 

Kevin’s story, and the fortitude of many others like him demonstrate the available opportunities for a better future.