Purpose, Values and Goals

We address the economic and social well-being of the District’s returning citizens. PVP understands the importance of ensuring our students can meet the challenges of the digital divide, particularly in terms of access to high quality computers, high-speed internet, and technical assistance in facilitating our program mission and goals. Economic independence for our citizens is realized through investment in human capital, empowerment, technological expertise and finesse, financial self-sufficiency, and increased employment. Arming citizens to succeed ultimately reduces recidivism and strengthens communities.


Phoenix Ventures implements a values-based philosophy that supports the program’s ideals. These are the SEVEN driving values upon which the program is based.

Accountability · Accepting responsibility for our actions. Accountability is one of the hallmarks of integrity.

Support · Excel in your work and be transformative in it. As you do that, we will be here compassionately walking beside you, providing the tools, and wraparound services to support you in your journey toward economic independence.

Innovation · We aim to be groundbreaking and revolutionary in our approach.  We are solution focused and engage forward-thinking methods, modalities, and strategies to move participants from where they are to where they would like to see themselves in the future.

Commitment Yields Results · We at PVP are committed to this mission and if you commit to your personal vision we will help you achieve the results.  We make this commitment because we know that outcomes are causally related to what was invested.  If you also invest your time, your energy, your sweat, and your resources the results will follow.

Excellence · We strive for excellence.  Excellence is not perfection because life is about continuous improvement.  So, do your best, work hard, give 100%, and then see if there’s even more that can be done.  Attaining excellence is arduous work.  But if you strive for excellence the results will be worth it.

Personal Transformation · This program is about transformation.  To transform one must challenge everything they know.  Ask yourself the hard questions, and we will ask them of you as well, but don’t give up until your heart is satisfied with the answer.  You are in the process of restoring your life.  This is a courageous journey.  It is a journey that will require vulnerability, courage, heart, self-love, and trust.

Self-Sufficiency · We believe that every human being has the right to be self-sufficient, to be able to satisfy their own basic needs and the needs of their family.  This is your journey to self-sufficiency.  Steward it….  Steward your work.  Steward your progress.  Steward the vision you have for your life, and your family’s life.